- 論文の詳細を見る
Based on the statistical observation on subjective symptoms in 507 cases of movable kidney, various kinds of pain and renal hematuria were selected as symptoms directly related to movable kidney with a high probability. Whether or not these symptoms were based on movable kidney was tested by IVP, urinary finding, isotope renogram and operative results and the following conclusion was obtained. 1)The symptoms associated with organs other than the urinary tract occupying 2/3 of the subjective symptoms in patients with movable kidney are probably derived from the movable kidney in 80%, while various pain occupying 90% of symptoms associated with organs other than the urinary tract are based on movable kidney in about 80%. 2)Among symptoms referable to the urinary tract occupying 1/3 of the subjective symptoms, renal symptoms probably related to movable kidney are presumably derived from movable kidney in about 90%. 3)In the renal parenchyma and renal pelvis of patients with movable kidney, an extensive pathophysiological abnormality was found. Regardless of the bilateral or unilateral nature of movable kidney, the basic abnormality is probably the functional unrest occurring in the kidney and renal pelvis. Pain, especially colicky pain, renal hematuria, pyelo-renal backflow seen in the IVP and pyelospasm, decrease of secretary and excretory ability seen in the renogram and spasm-like changes are merely manifestations of such basic abnormalities.
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