実験的ラット膀胱腫瘍発生に及ぼす BCG および BCG-CWS 投与の影響について
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The possibility of controlling the genesis or growth of tumors by the immunological surveillance system of the host has recently been pointed out and a variety of immunostimulants including BCG has been used in cancer therapy. While a considerable amount of experimental work has been done on the antitumor effect of immunostimulant, the majority of such experiments deal with tumors transplanted into inbred animals and may not necessarily provide models for spontaneous tumors. Therefore, the present auther induced experimental bladder tumors in rats with N-butyl-N-(4-hydroxybutyl) nitrosamine (BBN) and investigated the changes in cellular immunity in the process of carcinogenesis with time by way of the lymphocyte transformation by PHA stimulation. The effect of BCG and BCG-CWS upon responses to PHA and carcinogenesis was also evaluated. The method was as follows; BBN was administered to BCG-dosed, BCG-CWS-dosed and undosed control groups and the responses of peripheral blood lymphocytes by PHA stimulation using whole blood culture were determined. At the same time, body weight changes, urinary occult bleeding and signs of macroscopic hematuria were in vestigated. In the 30th week after the start of BBN administration, each bladder was removed and weighed and the carcinogenetic status was studied macrscopically as well as histologically.
- 社団法人日本泌尿器科学会の論文
- 1979-11-20
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