- 論文の詳細を見る
A migration of catastrophic disasters of capital cities due to destractive earthquakes can be seen in the eastern margin of the Asian continent. During 27 to 664 AD the Korean peninsula had been repeatedly struck by strong earthquakes. From the late 6th to 8 th century, the oldest capital Nara 1,000 km east of Korea was struck by strong earthquakes with M 6.5 to 7.0. From 798 to 1200 AD the ancient maincapital Kyoto repeatedly destroied by several strong earthquakes. During 1192 and 1333 Kamakura a newly formed east capital 3000 km east of Kyoto was rocked by 7 strong earthquakes with M 6.2 to 7.0. Since 1185 up to now Tokyo (formerly called Edo) the present capital was repeatedly collapsed by a number of large earthquakes with M 6.0 to 8.2. The eastward migration of earthquake damages is possively ascribed to the missing of the anti-earthquake constructions in newly formed capitals, which are located in the basins and planes overlaid with the Holocene sediments. The number of females kilied in the past 14 destructive earthquakes were always higher than those of males. The large female victims may be interpreted by the self-sacrifice of females due to the maternal instincts. Two episodes of the anti-earthquake communities are described with emphasis of the earthquake defence volunteers to reduce victims.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1983-12-25
- 最近の箱根火山の地震活動について : 日本火山学会1977年度春季大会
- 28. 箱根火山に発生する群発地震の特徴(日本火山学会 1972 年度春季大会講演要旨)
- ii. 極微小地震の観測研究( マグニチュード7級の内陸地震の予知に関する研究,3.7.1 総合研究,3.7 科学技術振興調整費による研究,3. 研究業務)
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- 409 箱根カルデラ南縁部の大規模地すべりと地震
- 南関東活断層の重力調査(I):国府津ー松田断層
- 地震と都市災害(コメント) : 都市地質学
- 富士火山の地震活動
- 富士火山の地震活動
- 浅井戸の水位変化と地震