- 論文の詳細を見る
In the southern part of the Tohoku District, there are many developing inland basins, which are various in scale, such as the Aizu, Inawashiro, Fukushima, Koriyama, Tajima, Tsugawa and Nozawa Basins. The generation of inland basins began at the late Miocene, and most of them appeared as a result of the formation of mountain area by the upwarping movement during late to latest Miocene. Most of them continued to exist from the latest Miocene through Pliocene, though the sedimentary areas were reduced, and they changed into hills or mountains with the uplifting movement by late Pliocene except the basin area of Aizu. At the beginning of early Pleistocene, many of the basins, which had been reduced or had once disappeared by the uplifting movement, were some what enlarged or revived again. They are represented by the palaeo-inland basins which were formed in the present basin areas such as Aizu, Fukushima, Koriyama, Tajima, Nozawa and Tsugawa. These palaeo-inland basins were uplifted and turned into hills at middle Pleistocene. However, the Aizu Basinis the only one remaining as a sedimentary basin. The Fukushima Basin has started once again as a sedimentary basin during middle Pleistocene. Both the Koriyama and the Inawashiro Basin had been buried during middle Pleistocene and early half of late Pleistocene, but changed to the terrains where the formation of terraces progressed during the late half of late Pleistocene and Holocene. Other smaller basins, such as the Tajima, Nozawa and Tsugawa Basins, consist of the assemblage of terrace surfaces formed during middle to late Pleistocene and Holocene: Among the palaeo-inland basins, which had appeared during latest Miocene, numerous ones changed to hills or mountains and disappeared step by step, and the survivors have come to be limited in scale, with the uplifting movements of the Ou-Backbone Mountain Range and the Echigo Mountain Range. Since middle Pleistocene, the only two inland basins, the Aizu and Fukushima Basin, have survived as a sedimentary basin.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1977-02-21
- 猪苗代湖盆の起源と地史的変遷
- 日本の鮮新-更新統の植物化石による分帯
- 新潟堆積盆地における鮮新・更新統の古地磁気層序
- 513.新潟地震にさいして福島会津地方に発生した災害と地質
- 5 猪苗代湖盆の起源と地史的変遷
- 東北本州弧南部における中〜下部中新統の植物化石層位について
- 後期新生代における東北本州弧南部の構造発達史
- 東北地方の非海成鮮新 : 更新統の層序と対比
- 2 東北地方の非海成鮮新〜更新統の層序と対比
- 福島大学特定研究グループ : 猪苗代湖の自然
- 東北地方南部の会津盆地における藤峠層の古地磁気学研究
- 東北地方南部地域における内陸盆地の発達史について
- 会津盆地における後期新生代層の層位学的研究と会津盆地の発達史
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- 会津盆地における鮮新〜洪積統の層序と古地磁気
- 会津盆地における鮮新:洪積統産植物化石群の時代的遷移
- 福島盆地の形成史について
- 二本松市の地下洪積層から産出した木材の^C年代 : 日本の第四紀層の^C年代 XXIX
- 福島市の洪積層(福島層)より産出した木材の絶対年代(その2) : 日本の第四紀層の^C年代 XIX
- 郡山盆地の第四系について
- 池ノ原・塩坪両砂岩層の粒度分析と鉱物分析について
- 大戸層
- 会津盆地西南縁地域の第三系・第四系について:会津盆地西方地域の地史学的研究(II)
- 新潟県北部の中部中新統から産出する大須戸植物化石群について
- 猪苗代盆地の後期更新生堆積物コア中に記録された地磁気エクスカーション
- 会津地方における第四系の地質学的調査--法正尻湿原堆積物による古環境解析
- 鈴木敬治先生のご逝去を悼む
- 古地磁気層位学 地学双書 25, 野村 哲著, 地学団体研究会, 1992年4月27日発行, A5判, 96ページ, 頒価1,200円, 送料260円.
- 最終氷期の地磁気変化
- 磁気層位学の現状と課題(地球科学200号を記念して,200号記念号)
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