- 論文の詳細を見る
The Fukushima Basin which has been developed along the middle course of the Abukuma River has a rectangular outline that extends in the northeastern direction, and is subdivided into two smaller basins, each of which occupies the northern and the southern half of the Basin which differ from each other in geographical and geological features. The Pliocene and Lower Pleistocene deposits are distributed in the hill-area along the southeastern and northwestern margins of the southern half of the Fukushima Basin. These deposits were transformed by the tectonic movernent during the latter half of the Early Pleistocene. Several topographic surfaces and Quaternary deposits that were formed during several stages after the Middle Pleistocene are well-developed in the Fukushima Basin and the hill-area around it. The crustal movements which have formed the Fukushima Basin can be analysed based on the geochronological results and the features of the geologic structures. The subsiding movement forming the southern half of the Basin began during the early stage of the Middle Pleistocene and was intermittingly active during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. The subsiding area of the Basin spread into the northern half of the Basin either during the end of the last interglacial stage or the beginning of the last glacial stage. On the other hand, the uplifting movement was somewhat active during the stages before and after the stage that the subsiding movement made progress. Namely, the uplifting and subsiding movements caused themselves alternately during the Middle and Late Pleistocene. The main subsiding movement came to a close about the end of the last glacial stage, and during the Holocene mainly the uplifting movement made progress. In the Fukushima Basin, the two terraces were formed along the Abukuma River and its tributaries in the two ages of the Holocene.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1972-12-25
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