東北日本弧 : 序言(日本地質学会第80年学術大会討論会論文集)
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Just ten years ago a symposium was held under the title of "Structural features of Northeast Japan in the course of development" in Sendai (1963). Many substantial results then achieved were considered to furnish a satisfactory basis for subsequent researches in the "Upper Mantle Project" (UMP) in Japan. In 1970, the working group on structural geology of the UMP presented three detailed geological and crustal profiles across the Japanese Islands, based upon the latest data available at that time. To elucidate the developmental process of the island arc closely related to mantle motion, many geologists have been concentrating to synthesize all data from the diverse fields involved in the UMP and other projects. However, not enable hypothesis other than "Plate Tectonics" has been offered until now. Nevertheless, geologists, who are aquainted with the actual features of the tectonic development of the Japanese Islands since the Early Paleozoic, virtually hesitate to apply this hypothesis to the Japanese Islands. Further discussions are needed concerning the problem. The reasons given above are why the present symposium entitled "Northeast Japan in the course of tectonic development of the Japanese Islands" was held again at Sendai on April 3, 1973 under the auspices of the Geological Society of Japan as a symposium of the 80th annual assembly. This volume titled "Northeast Japan Arc" includes four invited papers and five comments presented at that symposium. The general discussions and concluding remarks are given briefly at the last pages. It is the hope of the editors that this volume will be of some help to find guiding principles in future study.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1974-07-31
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- 東北日本弧 : 序言(日本地質学会第80年学術大会討論会論文集)
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