- 論文の詳細を見る
The studies of the marine geological history around the Japanese Islands have made marked progress particularly through the DSDP drillings and the multi channel seismic reflection surveys since the 70's. The Japanese Islands have been situated on the plate boundaries through its evolution. The tectonic evolution of the Pacific in front of the islands should have affected its history in great extent, while the intra plate deformation in the Eurasia Plate in their backside also should have been closely related to the tectonics of the Japanese Islands. There have been no successful scenario for the tectonic evolution of the Japanese Islands and its adjacent areas which developed through the interaction with such changing oceanic and continental plates. In the 80's, the worldwide geological and geophysical surveys are attempting to clarify the complete framework of the plate tectonics by using innovative new techniques such as scientific satellite, sea beam, advanced deep sea drilling, deep continental reflection profillng, and so on. The tectonic evolution of the Japanese Islands should be successfuly understood through such efforts of pursuing more complete framework of plate tectonics.
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1985-03-30
- 180 スンダ海溝東域の地質
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- アジェランライズ東方の地質学的・地球物理学的特徴 : 海洋地質
- 43. 鬼界カルデラ・鹿児島湾の地質・地球物理調査(予報)(日本火山学会 1975 年度秋季大会講演要旨)
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