紀伊半島東南, 熊野炭田附近の地質構造について : 紀伊半島南部の地史學的研究 その1
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This paper discusses the following subjects concerning the Kumano group (Miocene, = Miyai series + Shimosato series + unnamed strata) in the vicinity of the Kumano coal field., (1) The Kumano group is divided into two formations, namely the Koguchi and Mitsuno formations, the former being characterized by a large quantity of siltstone and the latter by coarse quartzose sandstone; the group is further subdivided as follows., Hyoren member, (ss & st) 0yama member, (ss & st alt) Kowase member, (ss) Akagi member, (ss & st) Shiko member, (ss) Taniguchi member, (ss & st alt) Miyai coal-bearing member Wada member, (st) Taniguchi member, (ss & st alt) Wadagawa member, (st) Kamazuka member, (ss & st alt) Shikiya member, (st) Ohara member, (eg & ss) Mitsuno formation Koguchi formation Kumano group Kinan "group" (2) The strata of the Kumano group in this district have a general strike of north-south or N 20° and dip 15° to 40° east, except along the syncline in the northeastern part of the district., Many faults are present in the northern part but there are fewer to the south., The writers think that these structures had been made before the intrusions of the Kumano acidic igneous rocks., (3) The rock facies and the molluscan fossil-coenoses of the group suggest that the basin of deposition became smaller as a whole, especially after the deposition of the Koguchi formation, and accompanying the depoaition of coal., (4) From the field observations, the writers consider the so-called Eocene Shimosato series located on the southern coastal area as being the same age as the so-called Miyai series, though both are very different from each other in rock-facies and structure., However, the process which caused the differences remains unknown.,
- 日本地質学会の論文
- 1954-01-25
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