- 論文の詳細を見る
In prosthetic treatment of the anterior teeth, esthetic restoration or providing artificial dentition of natural appearance is an important but difficult matter. For the edentulous patients in particular, no clear standards have been established. In selection and arrangement of the artificial anterior teeth, the facial condition, the size and dentition of the natural teeth are of very useful references. The author, therefore, took measurements of the width of the six upper anterior teeth, using the plaster models, and the width of each facial part of adults (male : 116, female : 30) with individual normal occlusion. The results were as follows : 1. The ratio of each size of the six upper anterior teeth was 1__- : 2__- : 3__-=18 : 15 : 17, approximating the ratios arrived at by the other Japanese researchers. 2. The ratios of the width of frontal view of the six upper anterior teeth, when 1__- is 100, were 1__- : 2__- : 3__-=100 : 74 : 64 for the male and 1__- : 2__- : 3__-=100 : 74 : 66 for the female. The ratio was 1__- : 2__- : 3__-=8 : 6 : 5 when the Haga's values were taken into consideration. Compared with those of the other researchers, the width of frontal view of the lateral incisor was larger than that of the foreigners. 3. The width of the central incisor was about 1/16 of the bizygomatic width, about 1/4 of the internal bi-ocular width, about 1/5 of the inter-ala width, 3/5 of the interlabial tubercle width at rest, and 1/2 of the inter-labial tubercle width when smiling. For the male, excluding the relation to the bizygomatic width, a highly significant correlation was recognized. The total width of the six anterior teeth was 5/4 times of the inter-ala width for the male and 4/3 times for the female. 4. In measuring the frontal view of the six upper anterior teeth, the cusp tip of canine was found to coincide approximately with a point slightly inside the outer edge of ala of the nose for the male and with the outer edge of the ala for the female. The internal bi-ocular width was about twice (2.04 times for the male and 2.10 times for the female) as large as the frontal view width of upper central incisors. 5. The internal bi-ocular width, inter-ala width, and inter-labial tubercle width were found to be comparatively effective as the standards for selection of the size and positioning of artificial teeth.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
- 1979-05-25
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- 上顎前歯部の歯冠幅および植立状態と顔面各部の横径との関係について : 主論文の要旨
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- 3. Flange technique ならびに Dynamic impression method を口蓋補綴に併用した臨床例(6 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
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- 43. 上顎前歯部の審美的考察(第 3 報)(第 36 回九州歯科学会総会講演抄録)
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- 圧縮法による応力緩和試験器の試作補綴学教室(6 月例会, 九州歯科学会月例会報告)
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- 7. 上顎前歯部の審美的考察 : 第1報 安静時における上唇結節と中切歯の幅径との関係について (第59回日本補綴歯科学会抄録)
- 46. 前歯部の審美的考察(第 2 報) : 安静時の鼻翼幅径と上顎左右犬歯の幅径との関係について(第 32 回九州歯科学会総会報告)