正貌頭部 X 線規格写真法による片側性完全唇顎口蓋裂者の顎顔面頭蓋の形態学的検討 : IV A 以後の女子について
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In the present study, the comparison of the measurement in the lateral dimensions of the cranio-maxillo-facial complex of forty normal females and twenty-seven cleft female patients with complete unilateral cleft of the lip, alvcolus and palate (Hellman dental age over IV A) were carried out using the posteroanterior cephalograms with the following results : 1. The control group showed symmetry in the cranio-maxillo-facial structures, however, the mean ratio indicated a tendency that the right side width is wider than the left side. 2. In the cleft group, CN (the center of nasal septum), UI (proximating point of the central incisors) and Me (Menton) were displaced to the cleft side and NS (nasal spine) shifted to the normal side. 3. Cleft patients showed that BL (mandibular body length) in the cleft side was smaller than that of the normal side. 4. Bizygomatic width, CMo-CMo' and Bigonion were smaller in the cleft patients. 5. Widening of the nasal and interorbital width were not observed in cleft patients when compared to the normal samples. 6. Concerning the Mx-Mx' (intermaxillary width) of the cleft samples, neither asymmetry nor contraction tendency was not found. 7. CMo points (retromolar portion) of both the small and large segments were equally inclined to the midline dircction. 8. In the cleft samples, dimensions of the Biporion, Bimaxillare and Bigonion among others indicated correlation with the CMo width to which the contraction by the cleft anormaly is prominent. 9. It is presumed that the mechanical factors of the contraction to CMo-CMo' and to Bizygomatic width are different, since no correlation on them was found. 10. It is suggested that the prenatal abnormality and the postoperative lesion in the nasal septum must be one of the important factors to the growth retardation of the maxilla. 11. Deviation of the nasal septum was observed in the whole sample and the extent is so severe in the cleft group, while 23% with mild degree in the normal females.
- 九州歯科学会の論文
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- 正貌頭部 X 線規格写真法による片側性完全唇顎口蓋裂者の顎顔面頭蓋の形態学的検討 : IV A 以後の女子について