火山性地殼変動 (III) : 姶良カルデラ周辺の地殻変動と桜島の火山活動
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The vertical deformations of the earth's crust in the vicinity of Aira Caldera were studied from the results of precise levelling surveys and observations of the sea level by means of tide gauges. Relative vertical deformation of Volcano Sakura-jima in recent years were obtained from the continuous observation data of the mean sea level between Kagoshima and Hakamagoshi. Upheaval movements of Volcano Sakura-jima were also revealed from the results of precise levelling surveys around Kagoshima Bay run in 1960 and repeated in 1962. Those two results were not so contradictory to the amount of the vertical displacements between Kagoshima and Volcano Sakura-jima. The great Sakura-jima eruptions in 1914 was followed by abnormal changes in the height of the mean sea level of Kagoshima Bay. In recent years, the relative elevation of B. M. 2474 was recovering as high as that had been in 1891 before the great eruptions in 1914. Those facts may suggest the gradual accumulations of the powerful volcanic tension under the center of Aira Caldera.
- 特定非営利活動法人日本火山学会の論文
- 1967-08-01
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- P18 雲仙火山周辺の地盤変動
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- 47 三宅島火山の地盤上下変動
- 光波測量による桜島・吉松地域の地殻変動観測 (I)
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- 桜島火山近傍の垂直地盤変動と山頂噴火活動の関係について
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- 火山性地殼変動 (III) : 姶良カルデラ周辺の地殻変動と桜島の火山活動
- 17. 火山性地殻変動 (III) : 姶良カルデラ周辺の地殻変動と桜島の火山活動(日本火山学会 1967 年度春季大会講演要旨)
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- B33 地盤の上下変動量と噴出物量から推定した桜島火山におけるマグマの収支
- F39 地盤の上下変動から推定した雲仙火山地下の圧力源
- A25 地盤変動からみた雲仙火山地下のマグマ活動
- 噴火活動に伴う桜島火山および姶良カルデラ周辺の地盤変動
- 検潮観測による桜島の垂直変動
- 火山性地殻変動(V) ―桜島火山における地殻変動観測―
- 桜島火山観測所下伊敷観測室における観測序報
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- B17 雲仙地溝における垂直変動