- 論文の詳細を見る
This paper is concerned with the Colonial Exposition in the early 20^<th> century in Tokyo and Osaka. The content is as follows: 1. The Colonial Exposition in 1912/13 The Takusyoku Hakurankai, held in Tokyo in 1912, was the first Colonial Exposition in Japan, the purpose of which was to display special products from colonies such as Hokkaido, Sakhalin, Taiwan, Korea and Manchuria. This exposition was aimed to provide an opportunity to demonstrate that the Japanese government had succeeded in ruling these colonies. 2. Anthropologists and the Display of Aborigines It is quite interesting that many physical anthropologists at Tokyo University, like Tsuboi Shogoro, worked together with the government staff, displaying aborigines from the colonies as if they were just exhibits. These anthropologists were delighted that they had an opportunity to measure the parts of the bodies of aborigines. The Tokyo Anthropological Association issued commemorative postcards entitled "Aborigines in Japanese colonies". 3. Aborigines in Expositions in the Syowa era Aborigines of the Colonial Exposition were just like a display in a museum, showing their costumes or their features for the Japanese people. However, the situation changed slightly in the Syowa era. In those days, aborigines joined in events of various expositions, performing their traditional music and dances on the stage planned by entertainers in a funny style. Aboriginal dancers were no longer silent objects of exhibition.
- 関西学院大学の論文
- 2004-10-28
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- AHERN, Emily M., The Cult of the Dead in a Chinese Village., California : Stanf. U. P. 1973, pp.280, $10.00