沖縄小離島村落における〈門中〉形成の動態 : 粟国島における父系親族系としての〈門中〉の若干の考察
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This article is based on fieldwork carried out in Aguni village, a solitary island of the Ryukyu Archipelago, in 1966-1967. This study aims at an analysis of the dynamics of the "munchu : ", a patrilineal kinship system, which exercises dominant control over the social life of rural community common to the Ryukyus. From the social anthropological point of view Aguni kinship organization can be characterized by the simultaneous co-existence of the patrilineal kin group, i.e. "munchu : ", and the egocentered kindred, i.e. "we: ka", "chucho: de:", and "haro: ji". The former tends to function at the level of ritual practices relating to ancestor worship, while the latter has the functional force of forming a temporal corporate group as revealed in daily life. Indeed at present, affiliation to a "munchu : " is decided by patrilineal descent, and yet, this is looked upon as a deviation from the rule of adopting an heir from one "munchu :" into another, but it is said that adoption of this type was occasionally practiced between non-agnatic kin groups until some four generations ago. This causes the internal structure of the Aguni "munchu: " to be so complicated that it is not uncommon to find even double or triple overlappings of patrilines in the case of a particular "munchu : " member. A similar structure is recognizable in the Zamami. Tokashiki and Tonaki islands. In Zamami, for example, there are a number of sacred forest-shrines "utaki", to some one of which each villager respectively belongs. Affiliation to an "utaki" is, as a rule, decided In the male-line. To adopt an heir from a non-agnatic kin group is, however, practiced even today and therefore a kin group based on attachment to an "utaki" includes non-agnates as well. Tradition says that the blood of exiles or refugees, especially from the Shuri Royal Court, runs in the veins of many of the old families of Zamami.
- 1968-06-30
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- 沖縄小離島村落における〈門中〉形成の動態 : 粟国島における父系親族系としての〈門中〉の若干の考察
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- AHERN, Emily M., The Cult of the Dead in a Chinese Village., California : Stanf. U. P. 1973, pp.280, $10.00