- 論文の詳細を見る
In its efforts to appeal the success of Japanese colonial policies, the Empire of Manchuria joined in various kinds of expositions held in Japan since the Taisho period. The main purpose of joining in these expositions was to display the rich mining and agricultural resources of Manchuria. Under colonial rule by the Japanese militarists, Manchuria was a country situated as a provider of natural resources for Japan. Manchuria had another opportunity to represent itself by showing a different culture from that of the Japanese. When the Chicago world exposition titled "a century of progress" was held in 1933, Manchuria joined in this fair to declare itself as an independent country, displaying its historical and cultural heritage as different from the Chinese and Japanese. In 1934, a unique exposition was held in Dalian (Dairen in Japanese) of Manchuria. In this exposition, not only mining resources but also native folk customs, such as shamanism of the Mongols, Orochen, or Koreans, were displayed as a part of Manchurian culture. Thus, Manchuria showed complicated features in each exposition.
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