インドの野菜生産とデリーへの野菜供給体系 : 近年の変化を中心に
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Since the 1990s, India's economy has been growing rapidly. Consequently, there have been changes in the demand and supply of food in India. The changes are particularly pronounced in urban areas, where the living standard has improved considerably and the population has increased. Herein, the author reports the latest trends of vegetable production in India and the supply system of these vegetables to Delhi. The author investigated the Azadpur Fruit and Vegetable Market in Delhi, which is reputed to be the biggest in Asia, and other institutions concerned with agricultural marketing. The author found: (1) More vegetables whose freshness is seen as important are being produced. Peas, tomatoes and cauliflower are good examples. Arrivals of vegetables from suburban areas have decreased and arrivals from remote states have increased in spite of the high cost of transportation. As a background it is reasonable to point out that their retail prices are relatively high, reflecting improvements in the living standards of the urban residents. (2) Strong shipping centers like Nasik, which supplies fresh tomatoes to Delhi, have emerged. In this case high productivity of new centers has overcome the cost of transportation. These developments of production can be recognized as efficient supply systems to meet the ever-expanding urban food demands of Delhi.
- 地理科学学会の論文
- 2004-10-28
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