「農業村落」の構造とその空間的展開 : 広島県志和盆地を事例として
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Farming villages in Japan have changed their economic and social structures under the influence of rapid urbanization after World War II. There is an argument that in reality farming villages do not exist at present in Japan. The concept of a farming village has also become uncertain. This paper aims to clarify the concept and spatial structure of farming villages by the discussing the location of such villages and the changing process they have undergone since the Edo period. To make the object of research clear, the author set "Nogyo-Sonraku" as a hypothetical model of a farming village. Each farm household is a basic unit in a farming village and has two fundamental functions. One is an economic -especialiy agricultural- function. The other is a social one. To examine the spatial units of these two functions in "Nogyo-Sonraku" since the Edo period, the author has tried to analyse the changes in the spatial structure of a farming village. The study field for this paper is the Shiwa Basin of Higashi-Hiroshima-City, in the south-central part of Hiroshima Prefecture. As a result of analyses, five stages in the changing process of "Nogyo-Sonraku" since the Edo period were recognized. The five stages are as follows: The first stage (Edo period). Agricultural and social functions were not separated clearly in this period. The author recognized the several spatial units of each function in this area. They are "Gonin-Gumi" "Shaso-Jyunin-Gumi" "Kojyu" and others. They functioned within "Hansei-Son" -traditional villages in the Edo period-. The second stage (1890s-1920s). Through this period, some new functions and their spatial units have appeared in place of the functions of feudal rules in traditional villages. An example of the new units was "Buraku", "Buraku" were the smallest units of new administrative organization similar to a parish. Some of the functions widely expanded their units over their boundaries into new villages. Because the new town-village system was enforced in 1889, eight "Hanseison" were united into three "Meiji Administrative Villages" in the Siwa basin. Also, three elementary schools were established in each new village under the Meiji education system. The third stage (1930s-1940s). The central government began a strengthening policy of rural organizations called "Buraku-Kai" in 1940. This organization was the integrated unit of the two fundamental functions of farming villages in the past. Accordingly the traditional organization "Kojyu" immediately weakened. The fourth stage (1950s-1970s). Rural functions and their spatial units changed in this stage. The "Buraku" unit began to be dispersed. For example, at first, the mechanization of agriculture progressed in the "Buraku" unit. Later the increase of part time peasants brought about the mechanization progress in each household. In addition, many agricultural functions were taken over by "Nogyo-Kyodo-Kumiai", -a newly organized agricultural cooperative. Through this period the traditional social functions immediately weakened with the increase in popularity of urbanized life styles and the expantion of administrative unit. Three Meiji Administrative Villages were united into one new town called "Shiwa-Cho" in 1955. The fifth stage (1980s-). In this stage, some spatial units disappered and their functions moved to each farm household. Those functions were cooperation of agricultural and mutal assistance as "Kou". In general, the spatial units of the economic and social functions expanded wider in this stage than in the first four stages. The agricultural cooperative took charge of many of the traditional agricultural functions and the local government took charge of many sotial functions.
- 地理科学学会の論文
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