- 論文の詳細を見る
In this paper, the relationship between TV news format and viewer's memory is considered. TV viewers mainly organize their knowledge and memory about the world from TV news. But TV news viewer are affected by the way producers manipulate the form of TV news program in not only the content and meaning of the TV news message, but also in the way of manipulating the form of TV news to affect the viewer's memory. TV news consists of talking heads, the spot, captions, graphics, narration, and back ground music. This paper considers how the manipulation of these factors affects viewer's memory. This TV news study, especially the study about TV news format and viewer's memory is classified roughly as follows: 1)spot or visual scene effects, 2)cut complexity and speed effects, 3)color and black-white effects, 4)camera angle effect, 5)primacy effect, 6)recapping effect, 7)caption effects, etc. The effects of these kind of variables have been verified by the experimental approach, and it was found that they do affect the viewer's cognitive process. In the study TV of news effects, one of the most important issues is visual-audio interaction in TV news. TV news has both visual information and audio information. The visual information and audio information mutually interact in the viewer's cognitive process. Such an interraction affects viewer's memory. For example, when visual and audio are redundant, viewers understand and remember easily, but, when visual and audio are not redundant, viewers can't understand and remember easily. That is, when visual and audio are not redundant, they impede each other, as a result of changing viewer's memory. Hence, TV news viewers are affected by manipulation of news factors. Such a manipulation occurs in several ways. This paper points out the necessity of studing cognitive-level effects in TV news viewing.
- 日本マス・コミュニケーション学会の論文
- 1995-01-31
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