- 論文の詳細を見る
The earthquake conflagrations generated at ten zones (>33.OOO m^2) in kobe city inside 24 hr. The half located in the areas containing the factories of chemical shoes products. Many peoples in the suffered areas (Nagata Ku) were exposured by air-pollutants, exhausted by firing of chemical factories. In this work, the information about the conflagration which generated since earthquake in kobe city were collected, and the seeming condition of trees which the height was higher than 1.m and grow in the three areas, locating in the conflagration (Nagata, Nada and Higashinada) was surveyed. (1) By the conflagrations in Nagata area, the harmful pollutants as S0_2,N0_2,HCl and etc. were emitted amountly from the chemical factories. (2) In Nagata area, the rate of number of trees which was not coming into leaf, to total number was 2/3. (3) In the kind of trees, the damage of the deciduous (ex.Cherry) tree in Nagata area was found to be most in these of other areas. (4) The worsening of air enviornment in Ngata area was suspected to influence on the health of peoples around it.
- 1996-11-30
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