- 論文の詳細を見る
When D.H.Lawrence and his wife Frieda returned to New Mexico in 1924,the writer's concern and interest lied in the leadership issues and the relationships with women. As for his private life, Dorothy Brett was the only follower from England after J.M.Murry and Knud Merrild moved to Los Angeles. Moreover in Taos Mabel Dodge Luhan, the patroness, interfered in his life. The Woman Who Rode Away, St Mawr and "The princess" written under these circumstances "centred on the problem of the unfulfilled modern women", according to E.W.Tedlock, although Lawrence in the letter addressed to Catherine Carswell seemed to confess his ambivalence split into two different feelings. The heroines of those three works mentioned above experienced the inner travels in the respective novels, which are thought to have to do with those of D.H.Lawrence's while he stayed in New Mexico. In other words the writer seemed to give shape to his inner soul's feminine figures. Comparing The Woman Who Rode Away with "The Princess", I would like to discuss how the heroines' inner travels relate to the writer's ambivalent feelings pictured in their inner travels in the Rockies.
- 英米文化学会の論文
- 1995-03-31
- D.H.ロレンス「最後の詩集」から : 忘却への旅(D.H.ロレンス-新しい「読み」への試み-)
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- D.H.ロレンスの書簡研究:新世界からの手紙
- ヴァージニアの自己の発見 : D.H.ロレンスの「母娘」物語から
- ケイト・ミレットによるD.H.ロレンスの小説批判 : 父権制という観点から
- D.H.ロレンスの後期小説におけるヒロインの曖昧な心情について
- 『恋する女』における謎めく言葉の意味
- 「イタリアの薄明」におけるD.H.ロレンスの夢
- 「セント・モー」における黒い神
- D.H.Lawrenceの中期小説の技巧とその問題点 : Three Novellasから
- D.H.Lawrence : a primitivist