ケイト・ミレットによるD.H.ロレンスの小説批判 : 父権制という観点から
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Sexual Politics by a radical feminist Kate Millett coped with D.H.Lawrence's novels on different terms than done in the past. It is true that the biographies of Lawrence's admirers had a great impact on the formation of Lawrence's criticisms in the past. While in Sexual Politics Millett criticized the mechanisms of patriarchy of Lawrence's novels which was utilized intentionally by the author in order to dominate females by the use of sexual power. On the other hand, Lawrence called his literature 'art for his sake' as he thought his art was personal and that his fate stigmatized him as a writer. After a close comparison I came to the conclusion that Millett as well as Lawrence considered patriarchy as a system which inevitably involved the modern in the male dominant systems. Both writers thought that such a mechanism as patriarchy should be destroyed in order to aid restoring health to males and females who suffer under the morbid modem systems.
- 英米文化学会の論文
- 2000-03-31
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