- 論文の詳細を見る
Short-time heavy rains occurred in the northern part of Kyushu on June 29, 1999. As a result the Mikasa and Sanno-Channel River overflowed their banks and the flooding water moved down the roads to the JR Hakata-eki Station. After the flood disaster we had interviewed the residents and office workers to investigate the overflowing period, and the direction and depth of inundation flow. ln the present study we have computed the behavior of the flood flow in the Mikasa and Sanno-Channel River and the overland flood flow from those rivers to verify the results of the interview. lt is found that the Sanno-Channel River began to overflow the banks around 9:00 and the Mikasa River around 10:00 on June 29. An increase in the inundation depth occurred from 8:00 to 9:00 and also its rapid increase was from around 10:30. The former is due to the heavy rain, and the latter due to the overland flow.
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