- 論文の詳細を見る
Sample flow rate, ratio of the sample volume entering into the flame to that aspirated ( R), and atomic absorbance were measured for standard copper solutions of various viscosity, with a concentric nebulizerslit burner assembly. Viscosity of the solutions was varied by varying the temperature of the solution, or concentration of the matrix which was H_2SO_4 or MgCl_2 in this experiment. Sample flow rate is nearly inversely proportional to the viscosity. Metal atomic absorbance varies as a function of the flow rate irrespective of the matrix concentration. The relation between the absorbance and the flow rate is not linear, since the R-value decreases with increasing flow rate. In certain viscosity range, atomic absorbance of samples of varying viscosity remains constant if the samples are fed at constant rate. Precautions about experimental conditions as well as viscosity of matrix concentration are suggested, which are necessary when samples of various viscosity such as diluted blood plasma or digested solutions of biological tissues are dealt with.
- 社団法人日本分析化学会の論文
- 1980-01-05
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