食品中のビタミンCの定量法に關する知見 (續)
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Chapter 2. Estimation of true vitamin C with the aid of ascorbie cid oxidase. Attempt has been made to determine the true vitamin C with the aid of ascorbic acid oxidase as suggested by Tauber and Kleiner. The principle of this consists in determining the reducihng power of a tissue extract before and after enzyme action. The difference is a measure of the quality of vitamin C present. The result of experiment is that reductants such as reductones and ferrous salts are affected by the enzyme action in the same way as ascorbic acid ; therefore, this method is not applicable for the differentiation of reductones and ferrous salts from true vitamin C. The interference of other reductants such as tannic acid, pyrogallol and thiosulphates can be removed by this method. Chapter 3,On the colorimetric method for estimation of vitamin C. The colorimetric method as suggested by Fujita et al. for the estimation of vitamin C ws studied. In this method, the reaction of reductones with Folin reagents shows the same result as ascorbic acid, which means this method is not applicable for the differentiation of true vitamin C from reductones.
- 社団法人日本生物工学会の論文
- 1950-04-15
- 食品中のビタミンCの定量法に關する知見(續)
- 食品中のビタミンCの定量法に關する知見(續)
- 食品中のビタミンCの定量法に關する知見(續)
- 食品中のビタミンCの定量法に關する知見 (續)
- 食品中のビタミンCの定量法に關する知見
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