- 論文の詳細を見る
Under the influence of French post-modern thought, Interpretive Sociology of Law took an interpretive turn and severely criticized positivism of empiricism idea in social science. However, it also aims to construct new framework to understand complicated reflective relationship between structure of discursive society and dynamism of behavior, and between domination and resistance, based on such conceptions as Practice, Narrative and Discourse. In this paper I applied this perspective on conflict between discourse of modern law and voices of custom in Okinawa. Legal discourse as reflective of modern knowledge appears to penetrate into our everyday life, thereby deeply affecting our consciousness. Although this constitutive power of law is important, it is also true that people make their own perceptions - their voices" - implicit in legal discorse when they invoke law's language in everyday practice. In this sense, legal discourse is nothing but a site where meanings of everyday life are continuously reformed through struggle and coordination between many voices. When considering the relationship between modern legal systems and local customs, for example, this subtle struggles between voices in the everyday practice of law should be investigted in order to more fully appreciate the subtle power of modern legal discourse. Through an analysis of discourse surrounding the Okinawa campaign against customary rules of succession, this paper will attempt to reveal the complicated relationship between the predomination of modern legal discourse and the resistance of local voices in everyday practice. Through this analysis I would like to show that framework of Interpretive Sociology of Law can be applicable in the area of Sociology of Crime.
- 日本犯罪社会学会の論文
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- 法社会学の問題--医療事故紛争をめぐる問題 (特集 法学入門2007(問題解答編))
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- 七 少額訴訟の審理 : 研究者の立場から(報告の部)(新民事訴訟の審理について)(九州法学会第九七回学術大会)
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- 総論--ADRの基礎知識 (特集 新しいADRの世界をみる)
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- 問題の解答例と解説 法社会学--医療事故紛争をめぐる問題 (特集 法学入門2007(問題解答編))
- 法社会学へのいざない (特集 法学入門2007(魅力紹介編))
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- 座談会 司法書士の裁判への関わり方について (特集 司法書士と裁判(2))
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- 院内医療メディエーションの現場から (総合医学会報告 シンポジウム 院内医療メディエーションの現場から)
- ナラティヴの交錯としての紛争(物語りと共約幻想)
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- 少額訴訟手続の現況と展望(シンポジウム 新民事訴訟の審理について,1998年春季(第97回)大会)
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