青少年問題が国の教育政策に与える影響について (学校パラダイムの変容と青少年の逸脱)
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Do youth and children problems, such as juvenile delinquency, significantly influence on educational policies in Japan? I argue that they have had influence in current Japan. A good example of this occurred in 1997 in Kobe, Japan, when a junior high school student murdered and wounded elementary school students. This case (called the Kobe case) had a great influence on the inquiry and the report "About What 'Kokoro-no-kyoiku' (education of mind) From Infancy Should Be" by Central Council for Education (CCE) in 1997 and 1998. This paper discusses the relationship between the case and the report. Protected by public opinion that came to emphasize social norm after the case occurred, and interim report of the council tried to depict that youth deteriorated, and work out what the youth and children should be. The CCE's report played a role of weakening a tendency toward "individualization" and "diversification" in educational realms, which has steadly developed among parents, teachers, the youth, and children. On the other hand, the report promoted and educational policy oriented to "socialization" and "standardization". Features of the report include: "interfering in a family education"; "emphasizing moral education"; "working on the 'harmful environment' problems"; "proposing what youth and children should be"; and "advocating the 'Ikiru-chikara (the youth's and children's ability in living) and the 'Kokoro-nokyouiku' (education of mind). These features indicate that an educational policy proposed by the report is based on a concept that the youth and children are fundamentally deprived in Japan. In conclusion, the CCE's report is strongly influenced by the Kobe case.
- 日本犯罪社会学会の論文
- 高校生の生徒文化と学校経営(1)
- 高校生の生徒文化と学校経営(I)(一般研究 III・3部会 高校教育)
- 中学校教育における教育課程に関する基礎的研究
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- 青少年問題が国の教育政策に与える影響について (学校パラダイムの変容と青少年の逸脱)
- 山内 乾史 著, 『文芸エリートの研究 : その社会的構成と高等教育』, A5判, 207頁, 5,500円(税別), 有精堂
- 門脇厚司 著, 『子供と若者の』, 四六判, 285頁, 2600円, 東洋館出版社
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