警察の巡回連絡が地域住民の治安意識に及ぼす影響 : 地域レベルの分析
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Structural equation modeling was used to test a theoretical model of the impact of several dimensions of police home visits on residents' attitudes toward neighborhood safety. The unit of analysis was a neighborhood rather than an individual. The survey subjects were 1249 adult citizens randomly selected from among 100 neighborhood throughout the country. The responses of the subjects to the questionnaire were aggregated to produce neighborhood-level variables, which were actually analyzed using structural equation modeling. In the structural equation modeling, city size and the interaction terms produced by the multiplication of city size and each dimension of police home visits were added to several dimensions of police home visits as independent variables. As a result, irrespective of city size, the offer of information on recent neighborhood situations or being requested to submit information about their neighborhood were found to be positively related to the residents' willingness to report to the police. Further, the impact of being requested to submit information about their family members or having one's requests and opinions listed to at the time of police home visits was found to be different depending on the city size. Being requested to submit information about their family members is more likely to be positively related to the residents' willingness to report to the police in the neighborhoods of bigger city size. By contrast, having one's requests and opinions listened to is more likely to be positively related to the residents' willingness to report to the police in the areas other than metropolitan areas. To sum up, the results of this study support the importance of police home visits as a way to promote cooperative relationships between the police and neighborhood residents.
- 日本犯罪社会学会の論文
- 司会者として : 若干のまとめ
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