- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of transparent coating on watch is to prevent damages such as abrasion of plating and corrosion of the suraface. MgO・Al_2O_3 films and electro-deposition films have been investigated for this purpose. But these films were not practical as they had not enough effect to prevent corrosion. Recently solid silver is used as material of watch case and band and transparent coating on silver surface is required for the prevention of corrosion. We developed AIN films which can be used for transparent coating to prevent corrosion on the products made of silver. We made an examination of the transparent coating by means of abrasion test and sulfide gas test. It was proved that AIN films of 0.1μm thickness have enough effect to prevent corrosion.
- 社団法人日本時計学会の論文
- 1997-06-20
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