- 論文の詳細を見る
Our recent studies about the evaluation for the spinal motoneuron (MN) pool excitability and its application to the research field in human motor control or rehabilitation were reviewed in this article. First, the property of the ratio of the developmental slope of the H-reflex to that of the M-response (Hslp/Mslp) as a new sensitive indicator to evaluate the MN pool excitability which is superior to the conventional indicators were summarized. Hslp/Mslp showed the reasonable changes according to the changes of the MN pool excitability during movements. Further, Hslp/Mslp showed the obvious significant difference of the MN pool excitability between the normal subjects and the patients with spasticity, although the conventional indicators showed the vague results on this issue. We suggested, therefore, a high potential of Hslp/Mslp to detect the inter-individual differences of the MN pool excitability. Second, to explore the neural mechanisms to produce the difference of the MN pool excitability among the subjects assessed by Hslp/Mslp, relationship between the degree of the presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents on MN and the MN pool excitability were discussed. Degree of the presynaptic inhibition were assessed by both the vibration method and the D1 inhibition. As a result, the degree of the presynaptic inhibition of Ia afferents on MN was found to be correlated with the MN pool excitability.
- 日本運動生理学会の論文
- 2002-02-28
- 手指の複雑動作課題が同側皮質運動野興奮性に及ぼす影響
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- 55. 安静時運動細胞興奮性と拮抗筋収縮に伴う抑制量との関係
- 211.H反射発達勾配からみた運動細胞の興奮性
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- 487.Background EMG量とMEPおよびH-reflexの変動の関係
- 23.Hslp/Mslpによる健常者と痙性麻痺患者の安静時運動細胞興奮性の比較
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