Evaluation of Disuse Atrophy of Rat Skeletal Muscle Based on Muscle Energy Metabolism Assessed by ^<31>P-MRS
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to evaluate disuse atrophy of skeletal muscle using a hind-limb suspension model, with special reference to energy metabolism. Twenty-four Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups: control group (C), hind-limb suspended for 3 days (HS-3), for 7 days (HS-7) and for 14 days (HS-14). The gastrocnemius-plantaris-soleus (GPS) muscles in each group were subjected to the following measurements. After a 2-min rest, contraction of the GPS muscles was induced by electrical stimulation of the sciatic nerve at 0.25 Hz for 10 rain, then the frequency was increased to 0.5 and 1.0 Hz every 10 min. During the stimulation, twitch forces were recorded by a strain gauge, and ^<31>-MRS was performed simultaneously. Maximum tension was measured at the muscle contraction induced at 0.25 Hz; the wet weight of the whole and each muscle in the GPS muscles was also measured. From the ^<31>P-MR spectra during muscle contraction, the oxidative capacity was calculated and compared among the groups. The weights of the whole GPS muscles in C, HS-3, HS-7 and HS-14, were 2.66 ± 0.09, 2.39 ± 0.21, 2.34 ± 0.21 and 2.18 ± 0.14 (g) respectively. Thus, the muscle mass significantly decreased with time (p<0.05). Among the GPS muscles, the decrease in weight of the soleus muscle was especially remarkable; in the HS-14 group its weight decreased to 60% of that in the C group. We evaluated maximum tension and oxidative capacity as the muscle function. The maximum tensions in C, HS-3, HS-7 and HS-14 were 519 ± 43, 446 ± 66, 450 ± 23 and 465 ± 29 (g), respectively. This was significantly greater in the C group than in any other groups, however there were no significant differences among the three HS groups. The oxidative capacity during muscle contraction in the C group was higher than in any HS group and it did not further decrease even if the suspension of the limbs was prolonged beyond 3 days. The present study showed that in disuse atrophy, musclemass and muscle function did not change simultaneously. Thus, it is necessary to develop countermeasures to prevent muscle atrophy and muscle function deterioration independently. JPhysiol Anthropol 20 (4): 247-252, 2001 http ://WWW.jstage.jst.go.jp/en/
- 日本生理人類学会の論文
Koga Keiko
Tokushima Research Institute Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Sairyo Koichi
Department Of Orthopedic Surgery The University Of Tokushima
Sairyo Koichi
Department Of Biomechanical Engineering University Of Iowa And Veterans Administration Medical Cente
IKATA Takaaki
Department of Orthopedics,School of Medicine,Tokushima University
Ikata Takaaki
Department Of Orthopedic Surgery School Of Medicine The University Of Tokushima
Ikata Takaaki
Department Foorthopaedic Surgery School Of Medecine The University Of Tokushima
Department of Pharmacology I, Discovery Research Laboratories, Dainippon Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Department of Welfare Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Iwate University
Sasa Takahiro
Departments of Orthopedics, The University of Tokushima
Sasa Takahiro
Departments Of Orthopedics The University Of Tokushima
Yoshida Naoyuki
Department Of Orthopedic Surgery The University Of Tokushima
Fukunaga Mari
Tokushima Research Institute,Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Fukunaga Mari
Bioenergetics Research Office, Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Fukunaga Mari
Bioenergetics Research Office Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd.
Matsuura T
Department Of Biology And Earth Sciences Faculty Of Science Ehime University
Matsuura Tetsuya
Department Of Biology And Earth Sciences Faculty Of Science Ehime University
Yoshida Naoyuki
Department Of Applied Biology Kyoto Institute Of Technology
Matsuura Tetsuya
Iwate Univ. Morioka Jpn
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