F-1120 コースティックス法による熱応力拡大係数の測定に関する基礎的研究(J25-5 衝撃・温度・曲げ)(J25 機械力学,材料力学,エンジン関連の計測技術)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Stress intensity factor under thermal loading is studied by using the method of caustics. It is possible to easily know the sign of stress intensity factor through the type of optical system of caustics used and the shape of caustic pattern obtained. It is shown that the value of thermal stress intensity factor varies from positive one for a natural crack to negative one for an artificial notch with width of 0.4mm. Such a phenomenon is discussed by comparing with the results of FEM analysis. Although usual FEM analysis can be utilized for the case of artificial notch with width of 0.4mm, some modified technique is employed for the case of natural crack.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-08-22
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