K-0339 結晶方位による異方性を考慮したデンドライト成長過程のフェーズフィールドモデル解析(G01-5 解析法)(G01 計算力学部門一般講演)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Dendritic crystal growth process is simulated by use of phase-field model. The formula of the phase-field model is based on two fundamental equations, phase-field equation and heat conduction equation, when a monocomponent system is considered. Those equations are summarized in this paper without detailed explanation, since they are introduced in other references. The factors which affect the morphorogy of the crystal are latent heat and anisotropy, both of which are taken into account in the equations by corresponding functions and parameters. In this study, the anisotropy of the interface energy and kinetic coefficient are evaluated by molecular dynamics simulation to introduce the parameters in the phase-field model. The shape of the crystal in the initial stage, facet-type or dendrite-type, is revealed to much depend on the anisotropy parameters.
- 2001-08-22
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