610 水素吸蔵処理を用いた反応焼結TiC分散Ti合金複合材の組織微細化と超塑性(オーガナイズドセッション : 超成形・超塑性と材料)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study is to develop TiC dispersed Ti-6Al-4V alloy composites with useful mechanical properties by using reaction sintered fine TiC dispersion technique in the powder metallurgy method and the hydrbgenation treatment due to grain refinement of matrix material. Mo_2C and Ti-6Al-4V prealloyed powder were mechanically blended in a high energy ball mill. The mixed powder was pressed into dies and consolidated by reaction sintering following HIP treatment. The dispersed particles Mo_2C produced reactive TiC in the matrix during sintering. In grain refilling treatments, hydrogenation, hot roll forming and heat treatment to occur fine dispersed Ti hydride precipitation, and dehydrogenation process were introduced. As a results of this fabrication process to be controlled grain refinement, 1) the microstructure of dehydrogenated specimen indicates very fine grain size than 1 μm in diameter. Then, the reacted particles TiC are more shortened by hot roll forming after hydrogenation. 2) In Ti-6Al-4V alloy composites with 3vol% Mo_2C, Tensile strength and elongation at room temperature is increased in comparison with that of non hydrogenation.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2000-09-08
- グラスライニング材の強度試験法
- 曲げモーメントを受けるボルト締結体のボルト追加軸力に関する研究 : 2本のボルトの締付け力が異なる場合(機械要素(ねじ・バイオ))
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