社会システムの特性 : 自己指令性と環境の複雑性
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Recently theoretical considerations of the characteristics of social system are highly developed. But, still there are a little evidence.Therefore, on this short essay, I will try to generalize the evidences the relationships between social structure, especially social stratification, and personality. The idea of societal community is used for the focuses of social system. We found that the axis of self-direction and conformity is the most universal aspect of cultural environment. Self-direction of individual is strongly related with his intellectual flexibility, and negatively related with the authoritarianism=conservatism. We can't say that which nation is more self-direction, or also more conformity. But, we found that the social stratification has the strongest effects on the self-direction, authoritarianism=conservatism, and distress. The most important evidence is that the complexity of environment has the positive effect on the intellectual flexibility and self-direction.The more complex become the environment, the more people become self-direction. From this empirical consideration, we found that most important characteristic of empirical social system is the Merton's sense of structural constraints.
- 1992-10-25
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