- 論文の詳細を見る
Japan changed a great deal in the early 1970's. Characteristics of contemporary social stratification and education are almost the same as those of the early 1970's. In this article, we examine three hypotheses about the trend in social stratification and education from 1955 to 1985, using national survey data on the social stratification and mobility in Japan. The first hypothesis is the trend of openness of Japanese society, especially the strong relationship between industrialization and intergenerational occupational mobility (Tominaga's hypothesis). The second hypothesis is the trend of equality of opportunity in intergenerational educational mobility (Imada's hypothesis). The third hypothesis is that Japan is meritocratic or a degree-ocracy society (Dore's hypothesis). Tominaga and Imada confirmed their hypotheses using the Yasuda Index. However, the Yasuda index is not an accurate measure of pure mobility. For this reason, they over-estimated the amount of pure mobility. We propose a modification of the Yasuda Index, and using the LP programming method, we obtained more accurate measures of the openness of society and the equality of opportunity in educational mobility. The results of our analysis show that Tominaga's hypothesis is correct for the period from 1955 to 1975, but from 1975 to 1985, the openness of Japanese society has decreased. In reference to Imada's hypothesis, our results show that the equality of opportunity in educational moblity has not been so high for the past 30 years, indicating that. Japanese society has become less equal. Finally, Dore hypothesis is clearly refuted by the results as Japanese society is becoming increasingly unequal.
- 日本教育社会学会の論文
- 1987-09-30
- 社会的態度の親子3者連関の国際比較--90年代日本と70年代アメリカ
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- 座長挨拶(企画分科会Iの報告,リスク意識とリスク社会)
- 社会調査士の概略と現状(社会調査士, 第32回 日本行動計量学会大会発表一覧)
- 社会調査士資格制度の設立(学会報告)
- 学会の歴史を振り返って(2)(社会・経済システム学会の初心と成果)
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- 社会システムの特性 : 自己指令性と環境の複雑性
- 多元化するSSM調査研究 : 共同研究と継続調査の意義と反省
- 社会階層の変容と地位資源としての学歴-SSM調査結果からの一考察-
- 『数理社会学』と『基礎社会学』の間 (安田三郎教授 : 人と業績)
- 人間の生き方についての問い(新論文に対するコメント)
- 現代日本の階層構造の変化と教育
- The Yasuda Index of Social Mobility:A Proposal for Its Modification
- 構造-機能主義による説明とテスト可能性 ( パーソンズ以後)