29 Physiological Function and Oxygen Utilization Kinetics on Seat-Angle Condition (Proceedings of the 41st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
Wada Hiromichi
Division Of Engineering Graduate School Of Kansai Univ.
Faculty of Engineering, Tokyo University of Science
Yoshimura Isao
Faculty Of Engineering Kansai University
WADA Hiromichi
Faculty of Engineering, Kansai University
Mori Ken'ichi
Faculty Of Engineering Kansai University
Yoshimura Isao
Faculty Of Eng. Kansai Univ.
- Aldosterone Signaling Associates With p300/GATA4 Transcriptional Pathway During the Hypertrophic Response of Cardiomyocytes
- MicroRNA-1 and MicroRNA-133 in Spontaneous Myocardial Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells
- Left Ventricular Expression of Lectin-Like Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 in Failing Rat Hearts
- Long-term cognitive benefits of donepezil in Alzheimer's disease : A retrospective comparison between 1994-1999 and 2000-2004
- PJ-340 Curcumin, a Natural p300-specific Histone Acetyltransferase Inhibitor, Possesses Beneficial Effects in addition to ACE Inhibitor after Myocardial Infarction in Rats(PJ057,Translational Science (Cardiac) (H),Poster Session (Japanese),The 73rd Annual
- PE-351 Synergistic Effects of G-CSF and Erythropoietin on Left Ventricular Systolic Function in Heart Failure after Rat Myocardial Infarction(PE059,Heart Failure (Treatment) 2 (M),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese
- Long-term cognitive benefits of donepezil in Alzheimer's disease : A retrospective comparison between 1994-1999 and 2000-2004
- PE-297 LOX-1 is Expressed in the Adipose Tissue of High-Fat Diet-Induced Obese Mice in Close Association with MCP-1(PE050,Diabetes 1 (H),Poster Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- Small Dense LDL-Cholesterol Relative to LDL-Cholesterol is a Strong Independent Determinant of Hypoadiponectinemia in Metabolic Syndrome
- PE-182 A Soluble VEGF Receptor-2 is a Possible Novel Biomaker of Cardiovascular Risk in the Metabolic Syndrome(Diabetes/Obesity/Metabolic syndrome(05)(H),Poster Session(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OE-334 Overexpression of MicroRNA-1 in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells Represses Myocardial Differentiation(Development and differentiation(01)(M),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-368 Soluble FIK-1, an Endogenous Inhibitor of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor is Increased in Serum of Smoking Men(Smoking, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-171 Oxidative Stress Induces GLUT4 Translocation by Dual AMPK Kinase Activation in Cardiac Myocytes(Metabolism/Biochemistry/Energetics-1, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-201 Serum Levels of Soluble Flk-1, an Endogenous Inhibitor of VEGF, are Decreased by Weight Reduction Therapy in Male Obese Patients(Diabetes/Obesity/Metabolic syndrome-04, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-349 Leptin Induces Physiological and Compensated Growth of the Left Ventricles Following Myocardial Infarction in Vivo(Diabetes/Obesity/Metabolic syndrome-7 (H) PE59,Poster Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanes
- OJ-072 Serum Levels of Oxidized Low-density Lipoprotein Decrease during Successful Smoking Cessation(OJ12,Smoking/Alcohol/Life Style (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-070 Serum Levels of Soluble VEGF Receptor-2 Decrease during Successful Smoking Cessation(OJ12,Smoking/Alcohol/Life Style (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- OJ-069 Self-rating Depression Scale Score is a Strong Independent Predictor of Smoking Cessation Outcomes(OJ12,Smoking/Alcohol/Life Style (H),Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The Japanese Circulation Society)
- FRS-021 Left Ventricular Expression of Lectin-like Oxidized Low-density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 during the Development of Heart Failure(FRS5,Novel Biomarkers in Heart Failure (M),Featured Research Session (English),The 73rd Annual Scientific Meeting of The
- Existence of a no effect level for MeIQx hepatocarcinogenicity on a background of thioacetamide-induced liver damage in rats
- Myocardial Regulation of p300 and p53 by Doxorubicin Involves Ubiquitin Pathways
- OE-257 Cyclin-dependent Kinase-9 is Required for Histone Acetyltransferase Activity of p300(Cardiac hypertrophy, basic/clinical(01)(M),Oral Presentation(English),The 72nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-532 Proteomics Analysis Identifies Novel GATA-4-binding Partners Involved in Hypertrophic Responses in Cardiac Myocytes(Molecular biology, myocardium-2, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-435 A Natural p300-specific Histone Acetyltransferase Inhibitor, Crucumin, Prevents the Development of Hypertension-induced Heart Failure in salt-sensitive Dahl Rats(Heart failure, basic-4, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation
- Prediction of Draize Rabbit Eye Irritation Test on the Battery System of Alternative to Animal Tests
- OE-134 Regulated Expression of MicroRNAs During Differentiation of Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells into Cardiac Myocytes(Development and differentiation-1, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- The confidence interval of allelic odds ratios under the Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium
- Designing a multistage, SNP-based, genome screen for common diseases
- FRS-062 Decreased in Adiponectin is an Independent Determinant of Small Dense LDL Relative to LDL-Cholestererol in Hypertensive Patients with Metabolic Syndrome(Diabetes/Obesity (clinical), The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation So
- OE-049 Cyclin-dependent Kinase-9 is a Novel Component of p300/GATA-4 Complex Required for Hypertrophic Responses in Cardiac Myocytes(Cardiac hypertrophy, basic/clinical-1, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- II-5 Oxygen Utilization Kinetics in Muscle of the Leg with the Passage of Work(Proceedings of the 43rd Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 29 Physiological Function and Oxygen Utilization Kinetics on Seat-Angle Condition (Proceedings of the 41st Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Innovative Preparation of Curcumin for Improved Oral Bioavailability
- PJ-736 A Natural p300 Specific Acetyltransferase Inhibitor, Crucumin, Represses Phenylephrine-induced Hypertrophic Responses in Cardiac Myocytes(Cardiac hypertrophy, basic/clinical-4 (M) PJ125,Poster Session (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientif
- 4 The Effects of Ubiquitin Ligase p300 on the Cardiac Myocytes Apoptosis(Signaling pathways that modulate differentiation and death in cardiovascular cells,Topic 6 (TP6) (M),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Societ
- 3B-12 Tree type algorithm for statistical analysis of repeated toxicity studies.
- "C-8 Evaluation on the consistency between statistical analysis and toxicological judgment.
- A Study on Estimation of Industrial Fatigue in Working Posture
- A prevalidation study for three-dimensional cultured human skin models as alternatives to skin irritation testing
- PE-242 Simvastatin Improves Impairment of Left Ventricular Diastolic Filling in a Rat Model of Type II Diabetes with Obesity(Diabetes/Obesity/Metabolic syndrome-8 (H) PE41,Poster Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japa
- OJ-048 A Soluble Flk-1, an Endogenous Inhibitor of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor, is Increased in Serum of Patients with Metabolic Syndrome(Diabetes/Obesity/Metabolic syndrome-3 (H) OJ8,Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scienti
- A Case Study on the Optimal Design of Clinical Pharmacology Trials with Restrictions on the Dosing Schedule
- A Statistical Method for Estimating ET50 Using Small Size Data
- Statistical Considerations for Allocation and the Number of Time Points in a ET50 Estimation Using Three Dimensional Human Skin Model
- Study on the reliability and reproducibility of visual assessment for human skin irritation test
- The Association Between Physical Data, Mental Status and Blood Rheology With Special Emphasis on Smoking Status, Depressive State, and Blood Viscosity : Reply
- II-6 An Estimation of Fatigue in Standing Posture from Physiological Function and Subsidiary Behavior (Proceedings of the 38th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1A-2-2 Time Estimation and Imageless Thought on Discriminative Works (Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- Influence of Random Effects Incorporated in the Analysis of Pharmacological Data Based on a Four-parameter Logistic Model
- S1-5 Some considerations on the threshold problem in toxicology from statistical viewpoint(SYMPOSIUM 1: ASSESSMENT OF LOW DOSE EFFECT AND THRESHOLD)(Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting)
- 1A-2-3 A study on performance and industrial fatigue using chair of standing work (Proceedings of the 39th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- A Text-Independent Off-Line Writer Identification Method for Japanese and Korean Sentences (Special Issue on Image Processing and Understanding)
- A Natural p300-Specific Histone Acetyltransferase Inhibitor, Curcumin, in Addition to Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitor, Exerts Beneficial Effects on Left Ventricular Systolic Function After Myocardial Infarction in Rats
- A Novel Drug Delivery System of Oral Curcumin Markedly Improves Efficacy of Treatment for Heart Failure after Myocardial Infarction in Rats
- Drinkable Preparation of Theracurmin Exhibits High Absorption Efficiency—A Single-Dose, Double-Blind, 4-Way Crossover Study
- Inappropriate Use of Oral Anticoagulants for Patients With Atrial Fibrillation:– 1-Year Outcomes of the Fushimi AF Registry –
- Current status of clinical background of patients with atrial fibrillation in a community-based survey:The Fushimi AF Registry