Analysis of Heart Rate Variability during Mental Task with Reference to Ambient Temperature
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the cardiac autonomic control over mental task under various ambient temperatures (21℃, 28℃ and 35℃). Seven healthy male subjects engaged in the mental tasks, which consisted of distinctive reaction-time tasks. Respiratory coefficient of variation of instantaneous heart rate (CV_<RESP>), derived from the cross-correlation function between heart rate and respiratory curve, was used as a parameter to assess parasympathetic nervous functions. The difference between total coefficient of variation (CV_<IHR>) and CV_<RESP> was used as a parameter to assess sympathetic nervous functions. The mean heart rate increased at high ambient temperature (35℃) and also during mental task. Both the effects of ambient temperature and task conditions were significant on heart rate, and also on CV_<IHR>. Moreover, the effects of ambient temperature and task conditions in CV_<IHR> were divided into the effect of ambient temperature on CV_<RESP> and the effect of task conditions on the difference between CV_<IHR> and CV_<RESP>. These results implied that respiratory modulated parasympathetic activity might control basal the effect of ambient temperature and the other components including sympathetic activity contribute to the increase in heart rate due to mental task. (Appl Human Sci, 18(6): 219-223, 1999)
- 日本生理人類学会の論文
Yasukouchi Akira
Department Of Human Living System Design Faculty Of Design Kyushu University
Yasukouchi Akira
Department Of Physiological Anthropology Kyushu Institute Of Design
Ishibashi Keita
Department Of Ergonomics Kyushu Institute Of Design
Ishibashi K
Kyushu Univ.
Yasukouchi Akira
Depariment Of Physiological Anthropology. Kyushu University Of Desgin Sciences
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