2306 協調設計のための機能情報と幾何情報の統合表現 : 第 2 報 : 応答関係への時間順序を考慮した製品挙動の表現
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The description model by integrating the functional and geometrical information was proposed in the 1st report. But the input and output event to the mechanism was assumed for only one only couple there. Because a temporal information is not considered. Actually, the mechanism accepts the input event, the mechanism accepts the different sets of input events with there sequences to output different sets of behaviors. Designers should designate desirable sets of input and output of a mechanism to execute required functions. In this paper, description method of the aforementioned input events, and the output behavior is proposed. By considering static events and dynamic events, the temporal information is considered, and the correspondence management method having the qualitative relationship information is also proposed.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2001-01-16
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