気管支喘息の臨床病理学的研究 気管支粘膜所見と喀痰所見
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Bronchoscopy and transbronchoscopic biopsy of the bronchial mucosa were perfomed in 16 asthmatic patients, without complication when they were entirely free from attack. Sixty five cases with miscellaneous respiratory disorders were subjected to bronchoscopic control study. Ten tuberculous cases without bronchoschopic findings were subjected to biopsy control. Biopsy specimens were examined histologically. In addition, sputa from other 55 asthmatic patients with various types and grades were studied cytologically. Following results were obtained. 1) Bronchoscopic examinations: Redness and edema of the mucous membrane were localized at orifice of a certain bronchial segmental tree and sputum was almost always found at such orifice. 2) Histological examinations: The most striking feature of the specimen obtained by biopsy was eosinophilia in the bronchial mucosa. But the degree of the infiltration were not so marked as reported in the autopsy findings. Mast cells in bronchial mucosa were seen in 8 cases out of 16. 3) Examinations of sputa: Sputa were obtained from each patient more than three occasions. Eosinophilia were found in 51 patients out of 55. It was found in all 18 cases with atopic type when the subjects were classified into atopic, mixed and infectious type. In the mixed type, however, it was found in 25 cases out of 27, and in the infectious type in 8 cases out of 10 respectively. Neutrophilia in sputum was proved more often in infectious type than in atopic type.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1968-09-30
- 5)アレルギー性疾患の血液学的考察
- 気管支喘息の減感作療法(第14回日本アレルギー学会総会特別講演)
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- 気管支喘息の臨床病理学的研究 気管支粘膜所見と喀痰所見
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- 103)気管支喘息発症機構に関する研究 第1報. : 皮膚感作抗体の力価と気道の過敏性よりの検討
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- 気管支喘息発症機序に関する研究 : 第1報.皮膚感作抗体と気道の過敏性よりの検討.
- 98. エアロゾルの定量的吸入装置と, その応用による定量的アセチルコリンまたはヒスタミン吸入試験について(第14回日本アレルギー学会総会)
- 5.慢性気管支炎に対する空気汚染の影響, 特にアレルギー素因の関与(第13回日本アレルギー学会総会)