培養ヒト末梢血リンパ球の変形現象について : 第2編.抗原物質に対する反応及び同種白血球混合培養における反応について.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Peripheral blood lymphocytes were cultured with or without antigenic substance with which the donor might have been previously sensitized. After five days large transformed cells were counted in 1000 mononuclear cells and the result was called 'positive' in case the appearance ratio was three times higher than that of control cultures without any antigenic substances. Autoradiographs by tritium thymidine were made for selected cases. The results were as follow: 1) All six tuberculin-PPD positive donors showed 'positive' reaction and four of seven donors who were negative in skin reaction showed 'positive' reaction. 2) In 84 asthmatic children who showed positive skin reaction to any one of four allergen extracts (House Dust, Ragweed, Cotton and Wool), 28 cases showed positive response in this system, while among 35 patients who showed negative skin reaction only one case showed positive response. The difference was significant. (p<0.01) Ragweed sensitivity showed the most remarkable response. 3) Three patients who were suffered from drug allergy to Control, ACTH or Streptomycin showed positive response to each drug, while the control subjects showed no positive response. 4) Three children with collagen diseases (S.L.E., rheumatoid arthritis and dematomyositis) were tasted with the extract of autologous leukocytes, but no positive response was demonstrated. 5) Mixed leukocyte (lymphocyte) cultures were performed between two donors. There were two positive cases among the eleven cultures between the relatives, while thirteen positive cases were seen among the 24 cultures between the non-relatives. The higher positive reaction in the non-relatives was thus significant. (p<0.05) Autoradiographic study revealed the similar results with those stated above concerning the appearance rate of labelled cells. The results above mentioned suggested that this method was useful to detect donor's condition about sensitization to some antigens in vitro on cellular level in many types of immunological reaction.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1968-03-28
- 31.ステロイド療法無効で心不全を来し,放射線療法が著効を奏した海綿状血管腫の新生児例(第26回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
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- 293 テオフィリン血中濃度迅速測定キットの有用性と問題点
- 1. 原発性免疫不全症候群とアトピー性疾患 (1 易感染性とアトピー性疾患)
- 145.リンパ球幼若化現象に対するサルコイドーシス患者血清の抑制効果について(リンパ球, マクロファージ, 抗体産生細胞, 細胞性免疫)
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- 第三群のまとめ
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- 周産期における末梢血リンパ球のSubpopulation
- 培養ヒト末梢血リンパ球の変形現象について : 第2編.抗原物質に対する反応及び同種白血球混合培養における反応について.
- 培養ヒト末梢血リンパ球の変形現象について : 第1編.Phytohaemagglutinin に対する反応について
- Chemical mediatorによる気道収縮に及ぼす迷走神経の影響