気管支喘息に関する臨床的研究 : 室内塵減感作療法を中心として
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Therapeutic efficiency of hyposensitization in those cases of bronchial asthma in which the house dust was highly suspected on clinical basis to be a causative agent as an allergen was evaluated. Total 194 patients were given repeated hyposensitizing injections with a house dust extract and observed for at least one year. The effect of the hyposensitization was evaluated according to our criteria for the therapeutic efficiency that were made mainly considering a shift in the severity of the disease. The hyposensitization therapy was effective in 106 (54.7%) of the 194 cases observed for more than one year, in 72 (50.0%) of the 144 cases observed for more than two years, and so in 30 (39.5%) of the 76 cases followed up for more than three years. The therapeutic efficiency thus appeared to be lowered as the observation period was extended. Influences of various back ground factors on the therapeutic efficiency were summarized as follows:the patients of a younger age, with a shorter duration of the disease, with either atopic, seasonal or acute type of the disease, and the relatively mild cases responded much better to the hyposensitization therapy than those of an old age, with a longer duration. with either mixed, nonseasonal or chronic type, and the relatively severe cases. As to the frequency of injection with the maintenance dose, the group injected more than once a month showed a better response to the therapy than that injected only once a month. Changes in the skin reactivity to the house duct extract tested before and one year after the beginning of the therapy failed to correlate to the therapeutic efficiency.
- 日本アレルギー学会の論文
- 1968-03-28
- 気管支喘息に対するDisodium Cromoglicateの臨床効果 : Double Blind Crossover Testによる評価
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- 3.愛知県下の花粉アレルゲン感作状況について(第8回中部アレルゲン研究会)
- (3) 愛知県下の花粉アレルゲン感作状況について(抗原〔I〕)
- 83. 気管支喘息患者におけるアレルゲン検索と吸入誘発試験について(喘息(II))
- 76. 愛知県下の花粉アレルゲン感作状況及び花粉症について(喘息(I))
- 83.気管支喘息患者におけるアレルゲン検索と吸入誘発試験について(喘息(II))
- 76.^*愛知県下の花粉アレルゲン感作状況及び花粉症について(喘息(I))
- 3.愛知県下の花粉アレルゲン感作状況について(抗原I)
- 102)愛知県下における花粉と気管支喘息
- 1) 愛知県下の空中花粉状況について(第6回中部アレルゲン研究会)
- 気管支喘息に関する臨床的研究 : 室内塵減感作療法を中心として
- 44. 東三河,北設地方における空中飛散花粉について(第454回千葉医学会例会 第66回日本小児学会千葉地方会総会)
- 19.気管支喘息に対する室内塵減感作療法の効果と結合抗体価について(C. 皮内反応に関するもの)(第16回日本アレルギー学会総会)
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