速度選別真空蒸着法による蒸着素過程の研究 : 速度選別器の開発と蒸着過程への応用
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In order to study the effects of the translational energy of incident metal atoms on the process of condensation and crystallization of thin films, we developed a method of vacuum deposition of velocity-selected metal-vapor atoms. A mechanical velocity selector for a neutral Ag beam was constructed and its performance was confirmed by measuring the velocity distribution of the velocity-selected beam. The velocity-selected vacuum deposition of Ag beam on (001) NaCl substrates reveals that the condensation coefficient of Ag on (001) NaCl depends greatly on the substrate temperature and that at the substrate temperature of 300℃ it is much smaller than unity. Results also show that the effect of the deposition rate on crystalline structures is rather large and thin films deposited at a low deposition rate showed better epitaxial growth even at a lower substrate temperature.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1996-07-25
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