吸収冷温水機の動特性解析 : 第1報,蒸発器と吸収器の動特性モデル
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A mathematical model for evaporator and absorber, which are components of a double-effect, water/lithium-bromide absorption chiller heater, is developed. The purposes of this model are to discribe the dynamic behavior of the machine, and to investigate optimum control method and internal configuration of the machine. In order to satisfy these demands, the model is constructed, based on the internal configuration of the machine which is currently manufactured. The evaporator and the absorber of the machine take the form of a shell and tube heat exchanger. There is a sprinkler inside the evaporator and the absorber, and thus there is falling film. Therefore, both these two components feature the following elements : vapor, liquid refrigerant or solution, heat-transfer tubes, and circulating water. Each of these parameters is classified according to its flow direction. A lumped approximation is adopted for these elements, and the heat capacity of heat-transfer tubes is taken into account. A time lag of the system given by the circulating water in the tubes can be estimated with this model.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1994-04-25
功刀 能文
福島 敏彦
西口 章
藤居 達郎
(株)日立製作所 機械研究所
藤居 達郎
福島 敏彦
(株)日立製作所 機械研究所
大内 富久
相沢 道彦
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