自動車用ワイパのびびり振動の解析 : 近似解の導出と振動特性の検討
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This paper deals with the chatter vibration in an automotive wiper assembly. Two approximate solutions are derived, first neglecting, and second taking into account, the conditions of the occurrence of stick-slip motion. It is shown that the two solutions predict the amplitudes of the steady state vibrations well, but to discuss their stability, conditions of occurrence of stick motion are important. Based on the approximate solutions, the characteristics of the chatter vibration are discussed.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1995-08-25
- 自動車用ワイパのびびり振動 : 第2報, 滑り面と垂直方向の調和外力による防振
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- 自動車用ワイパのびびり振動の解析 : 近似解の導出と振動特性の検討
- 自動車用ワイパのびびり振動の解析
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