動的インピーダンス整合に基づくアクチュエータのロバスト制御(<小特集> インテリジェント・システム)
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The development of an actuator system that is robust with varying load is strongly required. This paper proposes a basic and simple control method that makes it possible to obtain constant output characteristics from the actuator even when the load is changed. An actuator is considered to be an energy converter where input and output of energy consists of two variables, across variable and through variable, and the actuator is modeled to have a power source and internal impedance/admittance. If we can control the internal impedance/admittance to be zero, the whole of the power that is input will be fully output. Actually, we cannot change the internal impedance/admittance of the actuator itself, but applying this theory to the actuator control system, we can minimize the apparent internal impedance/admittance and make the output characteristics constant. The concrete implementation using a brushless dc-type DD motor is reported, and the effectiveness of this system is confirm by experiment and simulation.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1993-08-25
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