ディーゼル機関の排気弁シートの吹抜けに関する研究 : 第2報, シート面の高温吹抜けに関するメカニズム
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This paper presents a systematic study regarding the durability of exhaust valve of diesel engines burning heavy fuel oil. This study has been conducted with the aim of clarifying the mechanism of blow-by in order to estimate the temperature of exhaust valve seat in operating engines. It is necessary to treat the relationship between the corrosion of the exhaust valve seats in onboard operating conditions and surface temperature of the valve seats. It has been confirmed that although the temperature of the normal exhaust valve seats is low for hot corrosion during engine operation, the seating surface temperature in the onboard operating conditions exceeds the critical temperature for hot corrosion by taking into consideration the temperature rise caused by the high temperature and high-pressure combustion gas blowing at a high velocity through local gaps of the valve seats.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1992-05-25
高石 武夫
座間 正人
座間 正人
高右 武夫
河波 静男
河波 静男
三菱重工業 長崎研
河波 静男
三菱重工業 (株) 長崎研究所
高石 武夫
三菱重工業 (株) 横浜研究所
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