き裂面接触問題における体積力法の特異積分方程式の数値解析法 : モードII応力拡大係数に及ぼす傾斜角度と摩擦係数の影響
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In this paper numerical solutions of singular integral equations of the body force method are considered when the whole or some part of the crack surfaces are in contact each other. The body force method is used to formulate the problem as a system of singular integral equations. In the numerical solutions unknown body force densities are approximated using fundamental density functions and Chebyshev polynomials. The calculation shows that the present method yields rapidly converging numerical results even when the inclination angle between the crack and the free surface is small. The mode II stress intensity factors are shown when an inclined edge crack is subjected to compressive residual stresses or Hertzian contact loads with varying the inclination crack angle and friction coefficient.
- 1999-01-25
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