- 論文の詳細を見る
Ultrasonic waveforms reflected by various kinds of defects were calculated by numerical analysis based on elastic wave theory. By using these calculated results as a knowledge base, the development of a nondestructive evaluation system which provides quantitative information, such as types, locations, sizes and shapes of the defects, is expected. In this study, a fuzzy reasoning method based on principal component analysis was proposed and a prototype system was developed. This method can be used to characterize waveforms using the principal components and to interpolate the wave data using the membership functions in the fuzzy rules. In addition, by adjusting the membership functions, the error which depends on the difference between the numerical analysis and the experiment can be absorbed. This method was applied to crack depth evaluation for perpendicular and inclined cracks. In each case, both the numerical analysis data and the experimental data were evaluated with high accuracy.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1997-05-25
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