- 論文の詳細を見る
A boll heater is widely used for tightening large structural members that use bolts with large nominal diameters, where a high axial force is required. The actual tightening operation with the bolt heater is usually done by skilled workers, since it is fairly difficult to control the axial force with high accuracy. In this study, the fundamental characteristics of the method are clarified by experiment and analysis, and a numerical procedure for evaluating the tightening process is proposed using FEM as an elastic contact problem in the transient temperature field. The relationships between the heating operation and the axial force are obtained for various design factors. In addition, the effects of grip length of fastened plate and nut rundown torque on axial force are also discussed. The validity of the numerical method proposed here is ascertained by comparing with experimental results.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1997-03-25
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