- 論文の詳細を見る
The fatigue reliability under elevated temperatures in advanced carbon fiber reinforced PA46 was estimated. The influence of mesoscopic structures on fatigue fracture under elevated temperature conditions was focused on. The main results are as follows; A compact high-bride fatigue test system was constructed in order to maintain a high-temperature condition and measure crack tip heating using a thermal camera. Carbon-fiber (CF)-reinforced PA46 showed better fatigue strength than other test pieces. Through observations with a microscope and thermal camera, it could be found that fatigue processes consist of three stages : crazing, meso-crack forming, meso-crack propagating. Meso-crack forming stages was longest in the fatigue life. The effects of matrix and reinforced fibers on meso-crack forming could be controlled based on the weakest link hyPothesis.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 1996-08-25
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