Sound Radiation from a Housing Containing a Vibration Source
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The behaviour of the sound radiation from the plates of a housing being excited with each mode frequency has been studied theoretically and experimentally from a view point of directivity and by means of acoustical holography. The directivity is theoretically determined from the relation between the bending wavelength of a plate (λ_pt) and the sound wavelength in air (λ_air) by the use of the lattice mode of monopole sound sources. When λ_pt/λ_air is smaller than 1.0,the sound is radiated along the plate and the acoustic power is reduced. And the reported images of acoustical holography have been explained with the directivity of sound depending on λ_pt/λ_air.
- 一般社団法人日本機械学会の論文
FUTAKAWA Masatoshi
Japan Atomic Energy Agency
UMEZAWA Kiyohiko
Research Laboratory of Precision Machinery & Electronics, T. I. T.
Umezawa Kiyohiko
Research Laboratory Of Precision Machinery And Electronics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
H0UJOH Haruo
Res. Lab. of Prec. Machinery & Electronics, T.I.T.
H0ujoh Haruo
Res. Lab. Of Prec. Machinery & Electronics T.i.t.
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